Norah sorter magazijn


Inspiring women's fashion, Netherlands. "Style made easy"

Affordable and stylish fashion for the modern woman

Norah is a Dutch clothing brand that offers affordable and stylish clothing for the modern woman. They have a weekly changing collection and their clothing is available in 90 stores in the Netherlands and 2 stores in Belgium, as well as online and through sales platforms. Norah was founded in 2014 and is based in Alkmaar.

The Challenge 
Maintaining a weekly changing collection for 90 stores and meeting increasing demand from a growing e-commerce business. Further growth is only possible with automation.
The Solution
Our Dual Split Tray sorter has a capacity of 14,400 trays per hour and is connected to 172 dual-purpose exits. It enables sorting directly into tote bags for the B2C flow, and via a slide-to-compartment for the B2B flow, which includes packing tables and shelves for packaging materials.
The Results
The Norah team is ready to handle future growth to around 140 stores and an expansion of e-commerce. The automated sorting process saves time and improves supply chain efficiency thanks to a low error rate.

Norah exits magazijn

The Split Tray sorter in action at Norah.

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