
These days everything revolves around customer satisfaction, everything for a smile. DistriSort helps you to get the right product to the right customer, at the right time and in the right place. With an omnichannel approach, the focus is on a carefully tailored total experience and brand experience for the customer.

Suppose a customer is interested in article X because it was on TV. The product is available via your website, but the customer would like to view the item in a store first. A smartphone app shows the nearest store. Through the contact center, the customer finds out that the item is in the store, but not in the desired version. In the store, it becomes clear in which branch the item is available in the correct version. The sales statistics show that this item, in the desired version, is a really fast mover. The new stock of this version arrives at the Distribution Center the next day. How does the right product get to the right customer at the right time and in the right place? The answer is a sorting solution from DistriSort.


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